In a time when the world is collectively experiencing the same thing, It’s hard to hear each individual story. The purpose of this project is to share the story of individual business owners in downtown Astoria during the shutdown caused by the pandemic. The lights may be off; we may have locked doors and closed signs; however, there are still ways to help us during this time. We can do this together. Thank you to Kallie Linder, owner of Salon Boheme for writing the story of Crossfit 1811
Dave and Casey Wray
Crossfit 1811 4025 Abbey Ln. Astoria, OR 97103
Dave and Casey Wray opened Crossfit 1811 January 1st, 2015
Their business has been affected by the Corona Virus in that they are no longer able to operate in their gym space. Because of their can-do attitude, they have adjusted and started offering virtual classes utilizing programs like Zoom.
Casey says “I was invited to a Saturday class with Julie Lundberg and instantly loved it. I loved that it wasn’t like a regular gym where you mill around from equipment to equipment trying to figure out what to do. Everything was programmed and structured. The people were all skill levels and I loved how it was modified to your ability.”
Dave told us, “Before I found my passion for CrossFit, I was working at the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office as a correctional officer. I have always had a passion for health and fitness. I found myself working shift work and unable to create a consistent routine. It took me 6 months to even get the courage to step through the doors. I was in the worst shape of my life and at my heaviest. With CrossFit, it didn’t matter who I had as a workout partner because there was always someone there to workout with. Even if no one showed up for class, I still had a coach to hold me accountable. It would then turn into a one on one personal training session”
It is because of their passion that they’ve built a culture inside their gym that includes strong bodies as well as minds. They are still moving forward helping over 100 members become the best version of themselves.
For the first 3 years, they both worked full-time jobs trying to manage the business when, just 2 years ago, Dave made the decision to quit his county job and coach/manage this business full time while Casey, a bookkeeper by trade, manages the financial side of their business.
Check out all they offer on their website
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This is a straight up marvelous article about a great family run community orientated small business that I’m honored to be a small part of.
Positive attitude in every direction from the always involved owners to all who are members of CrossFit 1811.
Like the sign in thier door says” We are CrossFit 1811 Strong !”